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pregnancy care


What happens during the 99% of time pregnant women are not at the clinic?

Pregnancy is a time when the emotional and physical care of the pregnant woman has been shown to have a significant impact on mother and baby outcomes in the long term.

How can we improve the mother-baby care journey? How could you identify early signs of complication? How do you genuinely deliver continuity of care anytime, anywhere?

Designed & developed in close collaboration with women, clinicians, and university hospitals, femom is a comprehensive maternity care platform with a mission to eliminate preventable poor pregnancy outcomes through mobile technology and data science.

We enable healthcare professionals to gain new insights into the health of the mother and fetus whilst offering expectant women more convenience, choice and better information about their pregnancy.

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What is femom?

femom is a comprehensive obstetric remote monitoring solution that includes the following:

  • A clinical-grade fetal-maternal monitor* (not FDA-cleared)

  • A capture of patient-reported symptoms

  • Connected POCs such as BP monitors and glucometers

  • A Healthcare provider dashboard

The connected platform allows clinicians to gain new insights into the health of the mother and baby while offering expecting mothers better access to healthcare, convenience, and an active role in their pregnancy healthcare journey.

*Currently in the clinical investigation phase

How does the femom fetal-maternal monitor work?

The femom fetal monitor is based on electrophysiological signals from our bodies. It offers:

  • Easy-to-use monitor for non healthcare person

  • Advanced clinical insights

  • Non-invasive recording of the fetal heart rate, mother heart rate, and uterine contraction

  • Multiples bio-metrics from a single position and single measurement

  • Conversion to CTG trace for ease of review by the care team

Femom a fetal and maternal heart rate monitor for remote monitoring of pregnant mothers

femom fetal-maternal monitor

Home Spot-Check
Scheduled Virtual Visit

Femom mobile app home page that says tap to visit

Mother Interface
femom App

Physician dashboard end of femom mobile app for clinicians and care providers in hospitals who care for pregnant women

Clinician Platform
Digital Doorway to Manage Care Plan




Amplify Traditional Maternity Care

Enabling continuity of care to improve management of pregnancy 


Mother-Clinician Engagement

Enrich user experience by engaging both patients and clinicians on an intuitive, easy-to-use platform to provide personalised care

Clinical Decision Support

Empowering clinicians to access trending health information, evaluate risks and take data-driven intervention


Begin Your Journey with femom

As a connected care solution for obstetrics, femom maternal monitoring enables you to effectively support patients remotely for both simple and more complex, multiple long-term conditions (e.g. hypertensive disorders, diabetes, GDM).

Get in touch to learn more about how femom can benefit your practice.

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Leading a new maternity standard of care

about us

Founded by doctors & engineers, Biorithm is a medical technology start-up spun off from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.

A range of models of care will need to be available in Women’s Health to reflect clinical needs, safety, women’s choice, and the complexity of care required. We believe that comprehensive maternal healthcare should leverage the power of digital health, advanced sensors and data science to address individual patient and clinician needs, enhance data-driven decisions, and provide access to affordable, preventive care.

Contact Us

Our Offices

United States

One Broadway, Cambridge,

Massachusetts, 02142


1 1 Mandalay Road #16-01, 

Singapore 308232
